In trading any asset there are three parties involved. These parties are a trader or investor, a securities exchange (the marketplace where trade is carried out), and a broker (an intermediary who carries out the transaction). Ironfx is a broker that provides its users with a platform to trade.

A lamen can’t directly trade in the securities exchange. This is where brokers come in. Brokers are individuals or entities registered in the relevant security exchange board.

Brokers carry out the trade that you suggest and want in return for some charge or commission. A broker could be an individual or associated with a brokering agency.

Ironfx is an intermediatory, It provides you with a platform and related supporting services. However, its services are not limited to just traders, they offer interesting offers to other brokers as well.

Ironfx for brokers:

Introducing brokers (IBs):
IB is a broker who does not get directly involved in carrying out tasks. IBs are a contact chain between the trader and the platform.
IB takes the trading orders from the traders or customers and passes them on to the broking agency to carry out the order. The IB and trading agency have a settlement of commission.

Some brokers may not want to be involved in any of the trading transactions. One can earn by recommending and converting the user into an active user. The affiliates are given special links for the platform. When the customer uses that link to activate an account and use it the affiliate gets a certain commission.

What if you want to open your trading firm? Ironfx provides partnerships to facilitate your retail trading business.
They deploy their team of experts to help you in achieving your desired results. This is a good option for entrepreneurs and investors interested in entering the trading business.